Ros Omelet


Ros Omelet

Rose Omelette

Ros Omelet is made by frying ground pork with vegetables such as onions, garlic, and bell peppers. The mixture is then seasoned with fish sauce and sugar, and is then poured into a hot skillet. Beaten eggs are then poured over the pork mixture and the omelet is cooked until it is golden brown and fully cooked. The omelet is then typically served with a side of rice and a variety of different sauces. This dish is a great source of protein and vitamins, and is perfect for a quick and easy meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Ros Omelet is a traditional Cambodian dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It is often served at breakfast or lunch, and is a popular street food in Cambodia.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for vegetarians/vegans. It is also high in cholesterol and should be consumed in moderation by those with high cholesterol levels.


Variations of Ros Omelet can be found throughout Cambodia, with different regions adding their own unique twist to the dish. Some versions are made with different types of meat, while others are made with a variety of different vegetables.

Presentation and garnishing

Ros Omelet is typically served on a plate with a side of rice and a variety of different sauces. It is often garnished with sliced scallions and chopped cilantro.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the omelet is fully cooked, be sure to cook it on both sides until it is golden brown. Use fresh vegetables and meat for the best flavor, and be sure to chop them into small pieces before adding them to the pork mixture.


Ros Omelet can be served as a main dish or as a side dish. It is often accompanied by a side of rice or a bowl of soup.

Drink pairings

Ros Omelet pairs well with a glass of iced tea or a cup of hot coffee.