Roti sardin


Roti sardin

Roti sardin is made by sautéing onions, garlic, and spices in oil. Canned sardines are then added to the pan and cooked until heated through. The mixture is then spooned onto a piece of roti canai, a type of Malaysian flatbread, and folded over. Roti sardin is often served with a side of cucumber and tomato.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Roti sardin is a popular breakfast dish in Malaysia. It is believed to have originated in the Indian Muslim community in Malaysia, who adapted the dish from Indian cuisine. Roti sardin is now enjoyed throughout Malaysia and is often sold at street food stalls and restaurants.

Dietary considerations

Can be made gluten-free by using a gluten-free flatbread


Roti sardin can be made with a variety of spices, including cumin, coriander, and turmeric. Some versions of roti sardin also include potatoes or peas.

Presentation and garnishing

Roti sardin can be presented in a variety of ways, depending on the cook's preference. It can be folded over or rolled up like a burrito. It can also be cut into smaller pieces and served as an appetizer.

Tips & Tricks

To make roti sardin spicier, add more chili powder or fresh chili peppers to the mixture.


Roti sardin is often served with a side of cucumber and tomato. It can also be served with a spicy dipping sauce.

Drink pairings

Tea or coffee