Welsh Onion Cake


Welsh Onion Cake

Welsh Onion Cake is made by layering sliced potatoes and onions in a baking dish and then baking until the potatoes are tender and the top is golden brown. The dish can be seasoned with salt and pepper to taste. Welsh Onion Cake is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for a family dinner.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Welsh Onion Cake has been a staple of Welsh cuisine for centuries. It was originally made with leeks instead of onions and was often served with lamb. Today, it is a popular side dish that can be found in many Welsh restaurants.

Dietary considerations

Suitable for: ['Vegetarian', 'Gluten-free (if made with gluten-free flour)']. Suggestions: ['High in carbohydrates and calories'].


There are many variations of Welsh Onion Cake, including Welsh Onion Cake with cheese, Welsh Onion Cake with bacon, and Welsh Onion Cake with herbs. Some recipes also call for the addition of cream or stock to make the dish creamier.

Presentation and garnishing

Layering the potatoes and onions thinly ensures that Welsh Onion Cake cooks evenly and has a crispy top. It can be garnished with chopped parsley or chives for added flavor and color.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish creamier, add cream or stock to the recipe.


Welsh Onion Cake is often served as a side dish with meat or fish. It pairs well with roasted chicken, beef, or lamb. It can also be served as a vegetarian main dish with a side of vegetables.

Drink pairings

Welsh Onion Cake pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, cider, and white wine.