Cheese, aged graviera


Cheese, aged graviera

Savory Greek Delight

Aged graviera cheese is a hard cheese made from sheep's milk or a combination of sheep's and goat's milk. It has a firm and crumbly texture with small holes throughout. The cheese is aged for a minimum of three months, resulting in a complex flavor that is nutty, slightly sweet, and tangy. Aged graviera cheese is commonly used in Greek cuisine, both as a table cheese and as an ingredient in various dishes.

Jan Dec
Nutty, slightly sweet, and tangy.

Origins and history

Graviera cheese has its roots in Greece, where it has been produced for centuries. It is believed to have originated on the island of Crete, where sheep farming has a long history. Graviera cheese is an integral part of Greek culinary traditions and is often enjoyed alongside other traditional Greek foods like olives, bread, and wine.

Nutritional information

Aged graviera cheese is a good source of calcium, protein, and phosphorus. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin B12, and zinc. However, due to its higher fat content, it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


May contain allergens such as milk.

How to select

When selecting aged graviera cheese, look for a cheese that is firm and has a golden or pale yellow color. The cheese should have a pleasant aroma, free from any off-putting smells. Additionally, check for small holes or eyes throughout the cheese, as this is a characteristic feature of aged graviera. Opt for cheeses that have been aged for at least three months for a more pronounced flavor.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of aged graviera cheese, store it in the refrigerator at a temperature between 35°F (2°C) and 45°F (7°C). Keep the cheese wrapped in wax paper or parchment paper to allow it to breathe and prevent moisture buildup. Avoid storing it in plastic wrap, as it can cause the cheese to sweat and develop off-flavors. Use the cheese within a few weeks of purchase for the best taste and texture.

How to produce

Aged graviera cheese is typically produced by experienced cheesemakers using traditional methods. It involves the process of curdling sheep's milk or a combination of sheep's and goat's milk, followed by pressing, salting, and aging the cheese for a minimum of three months. Producing aged graviera cheese at home requires specialized equipment and knowledge of cheese-making techniques.

Preparation tips

Aged graviera cheese can be enjoyed on its own as a table cheese, paired with fruits, nuts, or honey. It is also commonly used in Greek cuisine, grated or melted over dishes like spanakopita (spinach pie), moussaka, or saganaki (fried cheese). The cheese adds a rich and savory flavor to these dishes, enhancing their overall taste.

Culinary uses

Aged graviera cheese is commonly used in Greek cuisine, such as in dishes like spanakopita, moussaka, or saganaki. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a table cheese, paired with fruits, nuts, or honey. The cheese is a staple in Greek households and is often included in traditional Greek meze platters.


Commonly available in Greece and Greek specialty stores around the world.