Plum tomato


Plum tomato

The Versatile Tomato

Plum tomatoes are small, oval-shaped tomatoes with a firm texture and a vibrant red color. They have a slightly sweet and tangy taste, with a juicy flesh that is perfect for sauces, salads, and salsas. Their thin skin makes them easy to peel and their meaty interior makes them ideal for cooking.

Jan Dec
The flavor of plum tomatoes is characterized by a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, with a hint of tartness that adds depth to any dish.

Origins and history

Plum tomatoes are believed to have originated in Mexico and were later introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers. They have since become a staple in Mediterranean cuisine and are widely cultivated in countries like Italy, Spain, and the United States. Plum tomatoes have a rich history and have been used in traditional dishes for centuries.

Nutritional information

Plum tomatoes are low in calories and are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and antioxidants. They also contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that has been linked to various health benefits.


Plum tomatoes are not known to be allergenic.

How to select

When selecting plum tomatoes, look for ones that are firm and plump, with smooth and unblemished skin. Avoid tomatoes that are overly soft or have wrinkled skin, as they may be overripe or of lower quality. Additionally, choose tomatoes that have a vibrant red color, as this indicates ripeness and optimal flavor.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness of plum tomatoes, store them at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. Avoid refrigerating them, as this can affect their flavor and texture. If you have ripe tomatoes that you want to extend the shelf life of, you can store them in the refrigerator for a few days, but bring them back to room temperature before using them for the best flavor.

How to produce

Plum tomatoes can be easily grown in a home garden or in containers. They require full sun, well-drained soil, and regular watering. Start by planting tomato seedlings or seeds in the spring, and provide support for the plants as they grow. With proper care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh plum tomatoes.

Preparation tips

Plum tomatoes are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. They are commonly used to make sauces, such as marinara or tomato-based pasta sauces. They are also great for salads, salsas, and bruschetta. Additionally, plum tomatoes can be roasted, grilled, or stuffed for a delicious and flavorful side dish or appetizer.


Plum tomatoes are widely available in grocery stores and supermarkets throughout the year. They are also commonly cultivated in countries like Italy, Spain, the United States, and Mexico.