Sweet trefoil infusion leaves


Sweet trefoil infusion leaves

The Delicate Herbal Elixir

Sweet trefoil infusion leaves, also known as melilotus officinalis, are delicate and aromatic herbs that add a subtle sweetness to teas, desserts, and infusions. With their unique flavor and soothing properties, they have been used in herbal remedies and culinary creations for centuries.

Jan Dec
Sweet trefoil infusion leaves offer a delicate and floral flavor profile, with hints of vanilla and honey. They have a pleasant aroma that enhances the sensory experience of teas, desserts, and infusions.

Origins and history

Sweet trefoil infusion leaves have a long history of use in traditional medicine and culinary practices. Native to Europe and Asia, these fragrant leaves were highly regarded for their calming and digestive properties. Today, they are still cultivated and enjoyed for their delicate flavor and potential health benefits.

Nutritional information

Sweet trefoil infusion leaves are low in calories and fat, making them a guilt-free addition to beverages and culinary creations. They also contain coumarin, a compound that may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


Sweet trefoil infusion leaves are generally safe for consumption, but individuals with known allergies to legumes or related plants should exercise caution. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new herbs into your diet.

How to select

When selecting sweet trefoil infusion leaves, look for vibrant green leaves that are free from discoloration or signs of wilting. Opt for organic or sustainably grown varieties to ensure the highest quality and minimize exposure to pesticides.

Storage recommendations

To preserve the freshness and aroma of sweet trefoil infusion leaves, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid exposure to moisture, as it can cause the leaves to lose their potency. Use within a year for optimal flavor and effectiveness.

How to produce

Sweet trefoil infusion leaves can be easily grown in home gardens or containers. They thrive in well-drained soil and prefer full sun or partial shade. Regular watering and occasional pruning will help maintain their vitality and flavor.

Preparation tips

Sweet trefoil infusion leaves can be steeped in hot water to create a soothing herbal tea or infused in milk for a delicate flavor in desserts and baked goods. They can also be used as a fragrant garnish for salads or infused in oils and vinegars for added depth of flavor.

Culinary uses

Sweet trefoil infusion leaves are commonly used in herbal teas, desserts, and infusions. They can be added to chamomile or mint teas for a touch of sweetness or incorporated into custards, ice creams, and pastries for a unique flavor twist.


Sweet trefoil infusion leaves are cultivated in various regions across Europe and Asia. They are commonly found in countries such as France, Germany, Russia, and China.