Aqras batata mabshura


Aqras batata mabshura

Sweet Potato Falafel

Aqras batata mabshura is a dish that is made by stuffing potatoes with a variety of seasonings and then baking them until they are tender and flavorful. The dish is typically seasoned with onions, garlic, and other spices. It is a great source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and it is low in fat. It is a perfect dish for anyone who is looking for a healthy and delicious meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Aqras batata mabshura is a traditional Moroccan dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is typically served as a side dish or as part of a larger meal. The dish is often served with meat dishes such as lamb or chicken.

Dietary considerations

This dish is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is also gluten-free and dairy-free.


There are many variations of this dish, and it can be made with different seasonings and ingredients. Some variations include adding meat or seafood to the dish, or using different types of potatoes.

Presentation and garnishing

This dish is typically served on a plate, and it is garnished with chopped parsley or other herbs. The potatoes should be arranged neatly on the plate, and the dish should be served hot.

Tips & Tricks

To make this dish even more flavorful, try adding some raisins or other dried fruits to the stuffing. You can also add some nuts or seeds for extra crunch.


This dish can be served with couscous or other grains, and it is often accompanied by other Moroccan dishes such as tagine or harira soup.

Drink pairings

This dish pairs well with mint tea or a light beer.