Biscotin de Prost


Biscotin de Prost

Biscotin de Prost is made with ground almonds, sugar, egg whites, and flour. The ingredients are mixed together to form a dough, which is then rolled out and cut into small circles. The circles are then baked until they are golden brown. The biscuits are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a sweet almond flavor. Biscotin de Prost is a perfect accompaniment to coffee or tea, and can be enjoyed as a snack or as part of a breakfast spread.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Biscotin de Prost originated in the Provence region of France, where it has been a popular pastry for centuries. It is named after the town of Prost, where it was first created. The biscuit was originally made with leftover almond paste from other pastries, but it soon became a popular treat in its own right.

Dietary considerations

Biscotin de Prost is gluten-free and dairy-free, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions. However, it does contain almonds, so it may not be suitable for those with nut allergies.


There are many variations of Biscotin de Prost, including those that are flavored with lemon or orange zest, or those that are dipped in chocolate. Some recipes also call for the addition of honey or cinnamon.

Presentation and garnishing

Biscotin de Prost can be presented on a small plate or in a decorative tin. It can be garnished with sliced almonds or a dusting of powdered sugar.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the biscuits are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, be sure to bake them until they are golden brown. Store the biscuits in an airtight container to keep them fresh for several days.


Biscotin de Prost can be served with a variety of side dishes, including fresh fruit, yogurt, or cheese. It is also delicious when paired with a sweet jam or marmalade.

Drink pairings

Biscotin de Prost pairs well with coffee or tea, and can also be enjoyed with a glass of sweet dessert wine.