


Mashed Plantains with Pork Rind

Cayeye is a dish that is popular in the Andean region of Colombia. The dish is made by boiling yucca until tender, and then mashing it with butter and salt. Pork rinds are then added for flavor and texture. The dish is typically served with a side of chorizo or other meat.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Cayeye is a traditional Colombian dish that has been enjoyed for generations. The dish is a staple in Colombian cuisine and is often served during holidays and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans as it contains pork rinds. It is also high in calories and fat due to the use of butter and pork rinds.


There are many variations of cayeye, with some recipes adding other ingredients such as onions or garlic for extra flavor. Some recipes also use different types of meat such as beef or chicken.

Presentation and garnishing

Cayeye can be presented on a platter or in a bowl. The dish can be garnished with chopped cilantro or diced tomatoes for added flavor and color.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish healthier, use olive oil instead of butter and use lean cuts of meat for the side dish.


Cayeye is often served as a side dish with meat dishes such as chorizo or pork chops. It can also be served as a main dish with a salad or other vegetables.

Drink pairings

Cayeye pairs well with Colombian beer or aguardiente, a traditional Colombian liquor.