Chicken à la King


Chicken à la King

Chicken à la King is made by cooking chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce made from chicken broth, cream, and sherry. The sauce is seasoned with garlic, onion, and other spices, and then poured over the chicken. The dish is typically served with rice or toast points, and garnished with parsley or chives.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Chicken à la King is a classic American dish that has been enjoyed for decades. It is believed to have originated in New York City in the late 19th century, and quickly became a popular menu item. Today, the dish is a staple of American cuisine, and is enjoyed by people all over the country.

Dietary considerations

Chicken à la King is a high-calorie dish that is best enjoyed in moderation. However, it is a good source of protein and vitamins, thanks to the chicken and the vegetables in the sauce.


There are many variations of Chicken à la King, including versions that use different types of mushrooms or that add other vegetables like peas or carrots. Some recipes also call for the addition of cheese or cream cheese to make the sauce even richer.

Presentation and garnishing

To make Chicken à la King look even more appetizing, garnish it with chopped parsley or chives. You can also add a few slices of lemon or lime to the plate to add some acidity to the dish.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish even more flavorful, try adding some chopped bacon or ham to the sauce. This will add some smokiness and saltiness to the dish.


Chicken à la King is typically served with rice or toast points, which help to soak up the creamy sauce. A simple green salad or steamed vegetables can also be served on the side to add some freshness to the meal.

Drink pairings

Chicken à la King pairs well with a crisp white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay. If you prefer red wine, a light-bodied Pinot Noir or Beaujolais would also work well.