


Consommé is a French soup that is made by clarifying a rich broth. The broth is typically made by simmering meat, bones, and vegetables for several hours, which creates a rich and flavorful base. The broth is then clarified by adding egg whites and other ingredients, which help to remove impurities and create a clear soup. Consommé is low in calories and high in nutrients, making it a healthy choice for those who are watching their weight. It is also a good source of protein and vitamins.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Consommé is believed to have originated in France, where it has been enjoyed for centuries. The soup is typically served as a starter and is known for its delicate flavor and light texture. It is often served at formal dinners and special occasions.

Dietary considerations

Consommé is suitable for those who are on a low-calorie diet or who are watching their weight. However, those who are on a low-sodium diet should avoid this soup, as it is typically high in sodium. Those who are allergic to eggs should also avoid this soup.


There are many variations of consommé, including vegetarian versions that use vegetable broth instead of meat broth. Some recipes also call for the addition of other ingredients, such as mushrooms or herbs. The soup can also be made with different seasonings, such as thyme or rosemary.

Presentation and garnishing

Consommé can be garnished with fresh herbs or a small amount of grated cheese. It can be served in a traditional soup bowl or a small teacup.

Tips & Tricks

To make the soup more flavorful, try adding a small amount of herbs or spices to the broth. You can also add a splash of sherry or white wine to the soup for a richer flavor. When clarifying the broth, be sure to follow the recipe carefully to ensure that the soup is clear and free of impurities.


Consommé can be served with a variety of side dishes, including crusty bread, crackers, or a small salad. It can also be served with a side of pickled vegetables or a small cheese plate.

Drink pairings

Consommé pairs well with light and refreshing drinks, such as white wine or champagne. It can also be paired with a light beer, such as a pilsner or a lager.