


Cornsilog is a combination of three dishes: corned beef, garlic fried rice, and fried egg. The corned beef is usually sautéed with onions and garlic until it is crispy. The garlic fried rice is made by frying leftover rice with garlic until it is fragrant and golden brown. The fried egg is cooked sunny-side up and served on top of the rice. The dish is usually served with a side of sliced tomatoes and vinegar dipping sauce. Cornsilog is a popular breakfast dish in the Philippines and is often sold in local eateries called "turo-turo" or "carinderia".

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Cornsilog is a popular Filipino breakfast dish that originated from the combination of three dishes: corned beef, garlic fried rice, and fried egg. It is a hearty and filling meal that is perfect to start your day. The dish is often sold in local eateries called "turo-turo" or "carinderia" and is a staple in many Filipino households.

Dietary considerations

Cornsilog is not suitable for vegetarians and vegans as it contains meat and eggs. It is also high in sodium due to the corned beef. People with high blood pressure or heart disease should consume this dish in moderation.


There are many variations of cornsilog, such as tocilog (tocino, garlic fried rice, and fried egg), longsilog (longganisa, garlic fried rice, and fried egg), and hotsilog (hotdog, garlic fried rice, and fried egg).

Presentation and garnishing

Cornsilog is usually served on a plate with the garlic fried rice at the bottom, followed by the corned beef and fried egg on top. The dish is often garnished with sliced tomatoes and chopped scallions. The vinegar dipping sauce is served on the side.

Tips & Tricks

To make the corned beef crispy, make sure to sauté it over high heat until it is browned and crispy. To make the garlic fried rice, use leftover rice that has been refrigerated overnight. This will ensure that the rice is dry and will not become mushy when fried.


Sliced tomatoes and vinegar dipping sauce are the most common side dishes for cornsilog. Other side dishes may include atchara (pickled papaya), sliced cucumber, or sliced mango.

Drink pairings

Coffee or hot chocolate are the most common drink pairings for cornsilog. Other drink options may include orange juice, pineapple juice, or iced tea.