Ackee and Saltfish


Ackee and Saltfish

Ackee and Saltfish is made by boiling salted cod and then sautéing it with onions, peppers, and ackee fruit. The dish is typically served with fried dumplings, boiled green bananas, or breadfruit. Ackee and Saltfish is a flavorful and filling breakfast that is popular throughout Jamaica.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Ackee and Saltfish has its roots in West Africa and was brought to Jamaica by enslaved Africans. It has since become a staple of Jamaican cuisine and is often served during special occasions such as Christmas.

Dietary considerations

Ackee and Saltfish is high in protein and healthy fats, but can also be high in sodium due to the salted cod. It should be consumed in moderation.


Variations of Ackee and Saltfish can include adding tomatoes, scallions, or thyme to the dish. Some recipes also call for adding coconut milk for a creamier texture.

Presentation and garnishing

Ackee and Saltfish is typically served on a plate with the saltfish and ackee mixture in the center and the side dishes arranged around it. Garnishes can include fresh herbs or sliced tomatoes.

Tips & Tricks

To reduce the sodium content of the dish, soak the salted cod in water overnight before boiling it. This can help remove some of the salt.


Side dishes for Ackee and Saltfish can include fried dumplings, boiled green bananas, or breadfruit.

Drink pairings

Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is a popular drink pairing for Ackee and Saltfish.