


Corundas are made by mixing masa dough with water and then shaping it into a cone. The cone is then filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables and then wrapped in a corn husk. The corundas are then steamed until they are cooked through. Corundas are typically served with a side of salsa and sour cream.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Corundas are a traditional dish in the state of Michoacán and are often eaten during festivals and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Corundas are a high-protein dish that is also high in fiber and vitamins due to the masa dough and the filling. However, they are also high in calories due to the filling and the steaming process.


Variations of Corundas may include different types of filling or additional toppings such as avocado or tomato.

Presentation and garnishing

Corundas are typically served on a plate with a side of salsa and sour cream. They can be garnished with a sprig of cilantro or a slice of avocado.

Tips & Tricks

To make the corundas extra flavorful, add spices such as cumin or paprika to the filling. Be sure to soak the corn husks in water before using them to wrap the corundas to prevent them from drying out during the steaming process.


Corundas are often served with a side of salsa and sour cream. They can also be served with a side of rice and beans or a fresh fruit salad.

Drink pairings

Corundas pair well with a variety of Mexican drinks such as horchata (a sweet rice drink) or jamaica (a sweet and tangy hibiscus drink).