Drop Scone


Drop Scone

Drop Scone is made by mixing flour, sugar, baking powder, and milk to form a batter. The batter is then dropped by spoonfuls onto a hot griddle and cooked until golden brown on both sides.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Drop Scone is a traditional Scottish dish that is often served for breakfast or as a snack. It is also known as Scottish pancakes or griddle scones.

Dietary considerations



There are many variations of Drop Scone, with different additions such as raisins, currants, or grated apple.

Presentation and garnishing

Drop Scone is typically served on a plate with a dollop of butter and a spoonful of jam or honey. The dish is often garnished with fresh berries or a sprig of mint.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the Drop Scones are fluffy and tender, it's important not to overmix the batter. The batter should be lumpy and thick, with just enough liquid to hold it together.


Drop Scone is often served with a side of butter and jam or honey.

Drink pairings

Scottish breakfast tea or coffee