Election Cake


Election Cake

Election cake is a rich and flavorful cake that is perfect for celebrating special occasions. The cake is typically made with a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, butter, spices, and dried fruit. The dried fruit can be varied to suit your taste, but raisins and currants are traditional. The cake is often frosted with a simple sugar glaze or cream cheese frosting, which adds a sweet and tangy flavor to the cake. Election cake is a great dessert to serve at parties or special events, and it is sure to impress your guests with its rich flavor and beautiful presentation.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Election cake has a long history in the United States, dating back to the 18th century. It was originally made to celebrate Election Day, which was a major holiday in early America. The cake was often served at polling places, and was a way to encourage people to vote. Over time, the recipe for election cake evolved, and it became a popular dessert for other special occasions as well. Today, election cake is still enjoyed by many people, and is a beloved part of American culinary history.

Dietary considerations

Election cake is not suitable for people with nut allergies or gluten intolerance. It is also high in sugar and calories, so it should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of election cake, but most recipes include a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, butter, spices, and dried fruit. Some recipes also include nuts, such as walnuts or pecans. The frosting can also vary, with some recipes calling for a simple sugar glaze, while others use cream cheese frosting or a buttercream frosting. Some recipes also include a filling, such as a fruit jam or cream cheese filling.

Presentation and garnishing

To make the perfect election cake, be sure to use high-quality ingredients, such as fresh eggs and butter. You can also experiment with different types of dried fruit and nuts to create your own unique flavor profile. When frosting the cake, be sure to let it cool completely before applying the frosting, to prevent it from melting. Finally, be sure to store the cake in an airtight container to keep it fresh and moist. To garnish the cake, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar or cinnamon, or top it with fresh berries or a sprig of mint.

Tips & Tricks

When making election cake, be sure to soak the dried fruit in rum or brandy overnight to add extra flavor to the cake. You can also experiment with different spices, such as cardamom or ginger, to create your own unique flavor profile.


Election cake is typically served as a dessert, but it can also be enjoyed as a sweet snack with a cup of coffee or tea.

Drink pairings

Election cake can be paired with a variety of drinks, including coffee, tea, milk, or a sweet dessert wine, such as port or sherry.