


Escabeche is made by marinating fish or meat in a mixture of vinegar, olive oil, and spices such as paprika and cumin. The fish or meat is then fried until crispy and served with the marinade as a sauce. Escabeche is often garnished with sliced onions or peppers.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Escabeche originated in Spain and was brought to Latin America by Spanish colonizers. It is now a popular dish in Latin American cuisine.

Dietary considerations

Escabeche is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It is not suitable for those with a low tolerance for spicy food.


There are many variations of escabeche, including using different types of fish such as tuna or mackerel, or adding vegetables such as carrots or celery to the marinade.

Presentation and garnishing

Escabeche is often served on a bed of lettuce or other greens and garnished with sliced onions or peppers.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure the fish or meat stays crispy, fry it in hot oil for only a few minutes. Use a high-quality vinegar and olive oil for the marinade.


Escabeche can be served as an appetizer or main course and pairs well with a variety of side dishes such as rice or salad.

Drink pairings

Escabeche pairs well with light and refreshing drinks such as beer or white wine.