


Fifteens are made by mixing together crushed digestive biscuits, condensed milk, desiccated coconut, and glace cherries. The mixture is then rolled into small balls and coated in more coconut before being chilled in the fridge. The result is a sweet and chewy treat that is perfect for serving with a cup of tea or coffee.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Fifteens are believed to have originated in Northern Ireland, where they are a popular sweet treat. The name comes from the fact that the recipe traditionally calls for 15 of each ingredient, although this can vary depending on the recipe.

Dietary considerations



There are many variations of fifteens, with some recipes calling for the addition of marshmallows, nuts, or chocolate chips. Some recipes also call for the mixture to be pressed into a tray and cut into squares rather than rolled into balls.

Presentation and garnishing

Fifteens can be presented on a platter or in a bowl, and can be garnished with extra coconut or cherries.

Tips & Tricks

To make the mixture easier to handle, chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes before rolling into balls.


Fifteens are often served as a sweet treat on their own, but they can also be served alongside other desserts such as ice cream or fruit salad.

Drink pairings

Fifteens are best served with a cup of tea or coffee.