Friture de la Moselle


Friture de la Moselle

Fried fish from the Moselle region

Friture de la Moselle is typically made with small fish such as smelt or whitebait. The fish are coated in flour and then fried until crispy. The dish is often served as an appetizer or snack. The tartar sauce is made with mayonnaise, capers, gherkins, and herbs. It is a simple yet delicious dish that is popular in the region.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Friture de la Moselle has been a popular dish in the Lorraine region for centuries. It is often served in local restaurants and at festivals. The dish is said to have originated in the Moselle river valley, where small fish were abundant.

Dietary considerations

This dish is not suitable for those with a fish allergy or gluten intolerance.


There are many variations of this dish, with different types of fish and sauces used. Some recipes call for the addition of garlic or lemon juice to the tartar sauce.

Presentation and garnishing

Friture de la Moselle is typically served on a platter with the fish arranged in a circular pattern. The tartar sauce is served in a small bowl in the center of the platter. The dish is garnished with lemon wedges and parsley.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the fish are crispy, make sure that the oil is hot enough before adding the fish. Drain the fish on paper towels to remove excess oil before serving.


Friture de la Moselle is often served with a side of French fries or a green salad.

Drink pairings

This dish pairs well with a crisp white wine such as a Sauvignon Blanc or a Pinot Grigio.