


Futomaki is made by rolling sushi rice and various fillings in a sheet of nori seaweed. The roll is then sliced into bite-sized pieces. Futomaki can be filled with a variety of ingredients, including cucumber, pickled daikon, tamagoyaki (sweet omelette), and raw fish such as tuna or salmon. The dish is often served with soy sauce and wasabi.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Futomaki is a popular dish in Japan and is often served as a snack or lunch item. It has also become popular around the world, particularly in sushi restaurants.

Dietary considerations

Futomaki can be made vegetarian or vegan by omitting any fish or egg fillings.


There are many variations of futomaki, including versions that use different types of fillings or different types of rice.

Presentation and garnishing

Futomaki is typically presented in a circular shape and garnished with herbs or other seasonings.

Tips & Tricks

To make futomaki, be sure to use high-quality ingredients and roll the sushi tightly to prevent it from falling apart.


Futomaki is often served with soy sauce and wasabi.

Drink pairings

Futomaki pairs well with green tea or sake.