


Hay soup

Heusuppe is made by first soaking hay in water to remove any dirt or debris. Then, the hay is boiled in water or broth along with vegetables such as carrots, onions, and celery. The soup is simmered until the vegetables are tender and the flavors have melded together. Some variations of Heusuppe include adding meat such as beef or bacon to the soup. It is typically served with bread or crackers.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Heusuppe has been a traditional dish in Germany for centuries. It was originally a peasant dish that was made with simple ingredients that were readily available. Today, it is still a popular dish in Germany and is often served at family gatherings and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Heusuppe is not suitable for those with hay allergies.


There are not many variations of Heusuppe due to its unique ingredient of hay.

Presentation and garnishing

Heusuppe is typically served in a bowl with a sprinkle of chopped parsley on top.

Tips & Tricks

To make Heusuppe even heartier, add cooked beef or bacon to the soup.


Heusuppe is typically served with bread or crackers on the side.

Drink pairings

Heusuppe pairs well with a light red wine such as Pinot Noir or a crisp white wine such as Sauvignon Blanc.