Oignons Monégasque


Oignons Monégasque

Monégasque Onions

Oignons Monégasque is made by caramelizing onions in butter until they are soft and golden brown. The onions are then seasoned with salt and pepper and served as a side dish. This dish is perfect for those who love the taste of caramelized onions and want to enjoy them in a simple yet delicious way.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Oignons Monégasque is a traditional dish from Monaco that has been enjoyed for generations. It is believed to have originated in the 18th century and was a popular dish among the wealthy residents of Monaco.

Dietary considerations

This dish is vegetarian and gluten-free. It is also low in calories and high in fiber, making it a healthy side dish option. However, it is high in sodium due to the use of salt in the seasoning.


There are many variations of this dish, including the addition of garlic, thyme, or balsamic vinegar. Some recipes also call for the onions to be cooked in red wine instead of butter.

Presentation and garnishing

To prevent the onions from burning, be sure to cook them over low heat and stir frequently. This dish is best served in a small bowl or ramekin and can be garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or chives.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to add a bit of sweetness to the dish, try adding a teaspoon of honey or brown sugar to the onions while they are caramelizing. This will give the dish a slightly sweeter flavor that pairs well with the savory onions.


Oignons Monégasque is typically served as a side dish with meat or fish. It pairs well with roasted chicken, grilled steak, or pan-seared salmon.

Drink pairings

This dish pairs well with red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot. For non-alcoholic options, try serving it with iced tea or lemonade.