Patates yahni me elies


Patates yahni me elies

Greek potato stew with olives

Patates yahni me elies is made by cooking potatoes with onions, tomatoes, and other vegetables in a large pot. The dish is seasoned with a variety of spices, including oregano and bay leaves. It is a high-protein and high-fiber dish that is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Patates yahni me elies has been a staple of Greek cuisine for centuries, and is often served during special occasions and celebrations. It is a dish that is meant to be shared with family and friends, and is a symbol of hospitality and generosity.

Dietary considerations

High-protein, high-fiber


There are many variations of patates yahni me elies, with some recipes calling for the addition of chickpeas or lentils. Some versions also use beef or chicken instead of potatoes.

Presentation and garnishing

Patates yahni me elies is typically served in a large pot, with the potatoes and vegetables arranged on top. It is often garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or dill.

Tips & Tricks

For a richer flavor, use kalamata olives instead of green olives. Use a Dutch oven or other heavy pot to ensure even cooking.


Bread, rice, or salad

Drink pairings

Greek wine, such as Assyrtiko or Agiorgitiko