


Vegetable Stew

The dish is made by cooking eggplant, tomatoes, onions, and other vegetables in olive oil. The mixture is then seasoned with herbs such as thyme and rosemary and served hot. Ratatouille is a simple yet delicious dish that is easy to make and is perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Ratatouille is a traditional dish in Provence, a region in the south of France. It is believed to have originated in the 18th century.

Dietary considerations

Ratatouille is a vegetarian dish and is suitable for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. It is also gluten-free and can be made with gluten-free bread.


There are many variations of ratatouille, with different types of vegetables and herbs used. Some variations include adding cheese or meat to the dish, such as chicken or beef.

Presentation and garnishing

Ratatouille can be presented in a simple bowl or plate. It can be garnished with fresh basil or parsley leaves.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish more flavorful, try using different types of herbs or adding more garlic to the mixture.


Ratatouille is often served with a side of bread or crackers. It can also be served with a salad or a side of vegetables.

Drink pairings

Ratatouille pairs well with a variety of drinks, including red wine or aperitifs.