Salsa Vizcaina


Salsa Vizcaina

Vizcayan sauce

Salsa Vizcaina is typically made by roasting red peppers, onions, and tomatoes until they are charred and tender. The vegetables are then blended together with garlic, bread crumbs, and olive oil to create a smooth and creamy sauce. Salsa Vizcaina is a flavorful and versatile sauce that can be used in a variety of dishes.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Salsa Vizcaina originated in the Basque region of Spain. It is believed to have been created by fishermen who used local ingredients to create a flavorful sauce for their catch. Today, Salsa Vizcaina is a popular sauce throughout Spain and is enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

Dietary considerations

Salsa Vizcaina is gluten-free and vegan-friendly. However, it contains bread crumbs, which may not be suitable for individuals with gluten allergies or sensitivities. It is also not suitable for individuals with tomato or pepper allergies.


Variations of Salsa Vizcaina may include additional ingredients such as chilies, herbs, or vinegar. Some recipes may also call for the sauce to be blended into a smooth paste.

Presentation and garnishing

To make the best Salsa Vizcaina, use high-quality roasted red peppers, onions, and tomatoes. Be sure to blend the ingredients until they are smooth and creamy, and add plenty of garlic and olive oil for flavor. When presenting the sauce, consider serving it in a small bowl or ramekin and garnishing with a sprig of fresh herbs or a sprinkle of paprika for added flavor and visual appeal.

Tips & Tricks

If you don't have bread crumbs on hand, you can substitute with ground almonds or hazelnuts for a nutty twist on the classic recipe. For a spicier version, add a small amount of cayenne pepper or chopped chili peppers to the sauce.


Salsa Vizcaina pairs well with a variety of dishes, including fish, meat, and vegetables. It can also be used as a dipping sauce for bread or chips. Traditional Basque dishes that pair well with Salsa Vizcaina include Bacalao al Pil Pil (salt cod in garlic and olive oil) and Marmitako (Basque tuna stew).

Drink pairings

Salsa Vizcaina pairs well with a variety of drinks, including red wine, beer, and cider. For a non-alcoholic option, try pairing it with sparkling water or a citrus-based soda.