Staka me ayga


Staka me ayga

Staka with Eggs

Staka me ayga is made by whisking together eggs and butter until light and fluffy, then cooking the mixture over low heat until it forms a custard-like texture. The dish is typically served with crusty bread and fresh herbs.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Staka me ayga is a traditional Albanian dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It's a rich and indulgent dish that is typically reserved for special occasions.

Dietary considerations



There are many variations of staka me ayga, some of which include adding cheese, herbs, or vegetables to the dish.

Presentation and garnishing

Serve the dish in individual ramekins for an elegant presentation. Garnish with fresh herbs or grated cheese.

Tips & Tricks

Be sure to use high-quality butter for the best flavor.


Crusty bread, fresh herbs

Drink pairings

Mimosa, Bloody Mary