


Stip is a dish that is typically made by mixing yogurt, water, and flour together to form a thin soup. The soup is then cooked over low heat until it thickens slightly. Some variations of the dish may include the addition of garlic, cucumber, or dill to enhance the flavor. Stip is often served as a side dish or a light meal, and it is a popular dish in many regions of Macedonia.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Stip has its roots in Macedonian cuisine, where it has been a staple dish for centuries. The dish is named after the city of Stip, which is located in the eastern part of the country. Today, it is still enjoyed by many people as a refreshing and light dish.

Dietary considerations

Stip is a vegetarian dish that is high in protein and calcium. It is also gluten-free, making it a good option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.


There are many variations of stip throughout Macedonia, with each region having its own unique twist on the dish. Some variations may include the addition of garlic, cucumber, or dill to enhance the flavor. In some regions, stip is served with a side of bread or other baked goods.

Presentation and garnishing

Stip is typically served in a bowl and can be garnished with a variety of ingredients, such as cucumber, dill, or garlic. It is often served with a side of bread or toast.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect stip, be sure to use high-quality yogurt and cook the soup over low heat to prevent burning. Stir the soup frequently to ensure that it cooks evenly and becomes slightly thickened.


Stip is often served as a side dish or a light meal. It is typically served cold and can be topped with a variety of ingredients, such as cucumber, dill, or garlic.

Drink pairings

Stip pairs well with a variety of drinks, including water, beer, or wine. It is also commonly served with a glass of fresh yogurt.