Sea bream


Sea bream

Delicate Ocean Gem

Sea bream is characterized by its firm yet tender flesh, which has a mild and slightly sweet flavor. The fish has a silvery skin with hints of pink and blue, and its elongated body shape adds an elegant touch to any dish.

Jan Dec
Mild and slightly sweet.

Origins and history

Sea bream has a rich culinary history, particularly in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines. It has been enjoyed for centuries, with references dating back to ancient Greece and Rome. Sea bream is often associated with celebratory meals and special occasions.

Nutritional information

Sea bream is a lean fish that is low in calories and fat. It is a good source of protein and contains essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and selenium.


May contain fish allergens and should be avoided by individuals with fish allergies.

How to select

When selecting sea bream, look for clear and bright eyes, shiny skin, and a fresh oceanic smell. The flesh should be firm to the touch and bounce back when pressed. Opt for sustainably sourced sea bream to support responsible fishing practices.

Storage recommendations

To maintain its freshness, store sea bream in the refrigerator on ice or wrapped in a damp cloth. Consume it within 1-2 days of purchase for the best flavor and quality.

How to produce

Sea bream can be commercially farmed or caught in the wild. It requires clean and well-maintained water conditions for optimal growth. Consult local fishery guidelines or seek advice from experts for successful sea bream production.

Preparation tips

Sea bream can be prepared in various ways, including grilling, baking, steaming, or pan-frying. It pairs well with citrus flavors, fresh herbs, and Mediterranean spices. Filleting the fish before cooking allows for easy handling and presentation.

Culinary uses

Sea bream is commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine, where it is often grilled whole or filleted and served with lemon and herbs. It is also a popular choice for ceviche, sushi, or sashimi preparations.


Sea bream is commonly available in coastal regions around the world, including the Mediterranean, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. It is particularly abundant in countries such as Greece, Spain, Japan, and South Korea.