Homemade Iced VoVo Biscuits


Homemade Iced VoVo Biscuits

Delightful Aussie Coconut Raspberry Biscuits

Indulge in the sweet and nostalgic flavors of Australia with these homemade Iced VoVo biscuits. This classic Australian treat combines a buttery biscuit base, a layer of raspberry jam, a sprinkle of coconut, and a drizzle of pink icing.

Jan Dec

30 minutes

10-12 minutes

40-42 minutes

Makes approximately 20 biscuits


Vegetarian, Nut-free (if using a jam without nuts), Soy-free, Shellfish-free, Peanut-free

Wheat (gluten), Dairy (butter), Egg

Vegan, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Egg-free, Sugar-free



  • Calories: 150 kcal / 628 KJ
  • Fat: 7g (4g saturated)
  • Carbohydrates: 20g (12g sugars)
  • Protein: 2g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Salt: 0.1g


  1. 1.
    Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. 2.
    In a mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. 3.
    Add the egg and vanilla extract to the butter mixture and mix until well combined.
  4. 4.
    Gradually add the flour to the mixture and mix until a dough forms.
  5. 5.
    Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of about 5mm (¼ inch).
  6. 6.
    Use a round cookie cutter to cut out biscuit shapes and place them on the prepared baking sheet.
  7. 7.
    Bake the biscuits for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown around the edges.
  8. 8.
    Allow the biscuits to cool completely on a wire rack.
  9. 9.
    Once cooled, spread a thin layer of raspberry jam on each biscuit.
  10. 10.
    Sprinkle desiccated coconut over the jam layer.
  11. 11.
    In a small bowl, mix together the powdered sugar and milk until smooth. Add a few drops of pink food coloring if desired.
  12. 12.
    Drizzle the pink icing over the coconut layer of each biscuit.
  13. 13.
    Allow the icing to set before serving.

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Butter — Make sure the butter is softened at room temperature for easier creaming with the sugar.
  • Raspberry jam — Choose a high-quality raspberry jam without seeds for a smoother texture.
  • Desiccated coconut — Toast the coconut in a dry pan over medium heat for a few minutes until golden brown for enhanced flavor.

Tips & Tricks

  • For a twist, try using strawberry or mixed berry jam instead of raspberry.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the biscuit dough for a subtle savory balance.
  • If you prefer a stronger coconut flavor, lightly toast the desiccated coconut before sprinkling it on the biscuits.
  • To achieve a vibrant pink color for the icing, use gel food coloring instead of liquid.
  • Store the biscuits in an airtight container to maintain their freshness.

Serving advice

Serve these homemade Iced VoVo biscuits as a delightful treat alongside a cup of tea or coffee. They are perfect for afternoon tea, parties, or as a homemade gift.

Presentation advice

Arrange the Iced VoVo biscuits on a decorative platter, allowing the pink icing to drizzle down the sides. Garnish with a sprinkle of extra desiccated coconut for an added touch of elegance.