Note by Note cuisine


Note by Note cuisine

Note by Note cuisine is a style of cooking that uses pure compounds and molecules to create dishes. It is characterized by its use of synthetic ingredients, such as amino acids and sugars, to create new flavors and textures. Note by Note cuisine is a relatively new form of cooking and is still in the experimental stage.

Pure, Intense, Precise, Clean, Artificial
Extraction, Distillation, Fermentation, Synthesis, Crystallization

Typical ingredients

Amino acids, Sugars, Vitamins, Minerals, Water, Ethanol, Glycerol, Fatty acids, Flavors, Colors

Presentation and garnishing

Note by Note cuisine is often presented in a modern and artistic way, with attention paid to the visual appeal of the dish. Garnishes such as edible flowers, microgreens, and sauces are used to enhance the presentation of the dish.

Note by Note cuisine is still in the experimental stage, and its long-term impact on the culinary world is yet to be seen. However, it has already led to the development of new culinary techniques and technologies, and has sparked a renewed interest in the science of cooking.


Note by Note cuisine was developed in the early 2000s by French scientist Hervé This. He sought to create a new form of cooking that would be more sustainable and environmentally friendly than traditional cooking. Note by Note cuisine has since gained popularity among chefs and food enthusiasts who are interested in exploring new culinary frontiers.

Cultural significance

Note by Note cuisine is a reflection of the scientific and technological advancements of the modern world. It allows chefs to create new flavors and textures that are not found in nature, and to explore the possibilities of synthetic ingredients. Note by Note cuisine is also a form of artistic expression, as it allows chefs to push the boundaries of traditional cooking and create new and innovative dishes.

Health benefits and considerations

Note by Note cuisine can be healthy if prepared with fresh and nutritious ingredients. However, some Note by Note dishes may be high in calories, fat, and sodium, so it is important to choose wisely. Note by Note cuisine can also pose a challenge for people with food allergies or dietary restrictions, as it often uses synthetic ingredients.