Fritaja sa šparogama


Fritaja sa šparogama

Croatian asparagus omelette

Fritaja sa šparogama is made by sautéing asparagus in olive oil until tender, then adding beaten eggs and cooking until set. The dish is typically seasoned with salt, pepper, and sometimes fresh herbs such as parsley or dill. It is a healthy and nutritious meal that is high in protein and fiber.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Fritaja sa šparogama is a traditional Croatian dish that is typically served during asparagus season in the spring. Asparagus has been cultivated in Croatia for centuries and is a popular ingredient in many local dishes.

Dietary considerations

Gluten-free, dairy-free


Variations of fritaja sa šparogama may include adding other vegetables such as mushrooms or onions to the egg mixture. Some recipes also call for adding cheese or ham.

Presentation and garnishing

Fritaja sa šparogama is typically served on a plate and can be garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or dill.

Tips & Tricks

To make the dish extra fluffy, separate the egg whites and yolks and beat the whites until stiff peaks form before adding the yolks. This will create a light and airy texture.


A fresh salad or sliced tomatoes make a great side dish for fritaja sa šparogama.

Drink pairings

A light white wine such as Pinot Grigio pairs well with the delicate flavors of asparagus and eggs.