Kranjska klobasa


Kranjska klobasa

Kranjska Sausage

Kranjska klobasa is a smoked sausage that is typically grilled or boiled. It is made from coarsely ground pork and bacon, seasoned with garlic and pepper. The sausage is traditionally made in a horseshoe shape and is about 20 cm long. It has a firm texture and a smoky flavor. Kranjska klobasa is often served with sauerkraut and mustard. It can also be used in stews and casseroles.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Kranjska klobasa originated in the region of Carniola, which is now part of Slovenia. It has been produced since the 19th century and was originally made from a mixture of pork and beef. The sausage was named after the town of Kranj, which was a major center of sausage production. Today, Kranjska klobasa is a protected geographical indication in the European Union, which means that only sausages produced in Slovenia and Austria can be called Kranjska klobasa.

Dietary considerations

Kranjska klobasa is not suitable for vegetarians or those who do not eat pork. It may also contain gluten and dairy products depending on the recipe.


There are several variations of Kranjska klobasa, including a spicy version and a cheese-filled version. Some recipes also call for the addition of paprika or caraway seeds.

Presentation and garnishing

Kranjska klobasa is traditionally served in a horseshoe shape, with the ends tied together with string. It can be garnished with fresh herbs, such as parsley or thyme.

Tips & Tricks

To prevent the sausage from bursting while cooking, prick it with a fork before grilling or boiling. It is also important to cook the sausage slowly over low heat to ensure that it is cooked through without burning the outside.


Kranjska klobasa is often served with sauerkraut and mustard. It can also be served with potatoes, bread, or other vegetables.

Drink pairings

Kranjska klobasa pairs well with beer, especially a light lager or pilsner. It can also be served with white wine, such as a Riesling or Sauvignon Blanc.