Old Forge Pizza


Old Forge Pizza

Old Forge pizza is a delicious and unique dish that is perfect for pizza lovers looking to try something new. The crust is crispy and chewy, and the cheese blend is savory and satisfying. Old Forge pizza can be enjoyed on its own or with a side of salad or breadsticks.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Old Forge pizza originated in Old Forge, Pennsylvania in the 1920s. It has since become a beloved regional dish and is often referred to as "pizza capital of the world."

Dietary considerations

Old Forge pizza contains gluten and dairy, and is not suitable for those with gluten sensitivities or lactose intolerance.


There are many variations of Old Forge pizza, with different restaurants and pizzerias having their own unique recipes. Some variations include the addition of toppings like sausage or peppers.

Presentation and garnishing

Old Forge pizza is typically presented on a rectangular plate or platter. It can be garnished with fresh herbs like basil or oregano.

Tips & Tricks

To achieve a crispy crust, it is important to use a light hand when applying the tomato sauce and cheese. Preheating the oven and using a pizza stone can also help to achieve a crispy crust.


Salad and breadsticks are popular side dishes to serve with Old Forge pizza.

Drink pairings

Beer and soda are popular drink pairings for Old Forge pizza.