Pan de Alfacar


Pan de Alfacar

Pan de Alfacar has a dense texture and a slightly sweet flavor that is perfect for pairing with savory dishes. It is also a great bread to use for sandwiches or toasting. The bread is typically made using a sourdough starter, which gives it a slightly tangy flavor. The crust is crispy and golden brown, while the inside is soft and chewy. Pan de Alfacar is a great bread to have on hand for any occasion.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Pan de Alfacar has been a staple in Spanish cuisine for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the town of Alfacar, which is located in the province of Granada. The bread is made using traditional methods and is often baked in a wood-fired oven. It is a popular bread in many regions of Spain and is often served with a variety of dishes.

Dietary considerations

Pan de Alfacar is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is also a good source of carbohydrates and fiber.


There are many variations of Pan de Alfacar, including those that are made with different types of flour or that include additional ingredients like olives or herbs. Some recipes also call for the addition of honey or sugar to give the bread a sweeter flavor.

Presentation and garnishing

Pan de Alfacar is typically presented as a whole loaf, sliced into thick pieces. It is often garnished with a sprig of fresh herbs or a drizzle of olive oil.

Tips & Tricks

To get the best results when making Pan de Alfacar, be sure to use high-quality ingredients and follow the recipe closely. It is also important to allow the bread to cool completely before slicing to ensure that it retains its shape and texture.


Pan de Alfacar is often served with a variety of dishes, including stews, soups, and roasted meats. It is also a great bread to use for sandwiches or toasting.

Drink pairings

Pan de Alfacar pairs well with a variety of drinks, including red wine, beer, and cider.