


Pannekoek is made from a batter that typically includes flour, eggs, milk, and butter. The batter is mixed together until smooth, and then poured onto a hot griddle or frying pan. The pancake is cooked until golden brown on both sides, and is then topped with a variety of ingredients, such as bacon, cheese, fruit, or syrup. Pannekoek is a delicious and versatile dish that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Pannekoek is a traditional Dutch dish that has been enjoyed for many years. It is often served for breakfast or lunch, and is a staple of Dutch cuisine.

Dietary considerations

Pannekoek is not suitable for those with gluten or dairy allergies. It is also high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of pannekoek, including apple pannekoek, which is topped with sliced apples and cinnamon. There is also a version of pannekoek that is made with buckwheat flour, which is a popular option for those with gluten allergies.

Presentation and garnishing

Pannekoek can be presented on a platter, with the toppings arranged neatly on top. Garnishing with fresh herbs or sliced fruit is also a great option.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect pannekoek, be sure to use a hot griddle or frying pan, and to cook the pancake until it is golden brown on both sides.


Pannekoek is often served with bacon, sausage, or eggs as a side dish. Fresh fruit is also a popular side dish for pannekoek.

Drink pairings

Coffee, orange juice, and milk are all great drink pairings for pannekoek.