Stamp and Go


Stamp and Go

Stamp and Go are typically eaten as a snack or appetizer and are often accompanied by a dipping sauce, such as hot sauce or tartar sauce. The salt cod used in the recipe is soaked in water overnight to remove excess salt before being mixed with the other ingredients. The fritters are then shaped into small patties and deep-fried.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Stamp and Go originated in Jamaica and are believed to have been influenced by African and European cuisine. They are now a popular dish throughout the country and are often sold by street vendors.

Dietary considerations

Stamp and Go are not suitable for those with a fish or gluten intolerance. They are also high in calories and fat due to the deep-frying process.


There are many variations of Stamp and Go, including ones with different types of fish or spices. Some recipes also include diced vegetables or herbs in the mixture.

Presentation and garnishing

Stamp and Go are typically served on a plate or in a basket lined with a cloth napkin. They can be garnished with a sprig of parsley or a slice of lime.

Tips & Tricks

To make the fritters extra flavorful, add a pinch of cumin or paprika to the mixture.


Stamp and Go are often served with a dipping sauce, such as hot sauce or tartar sauce. They can also be served with a side of fried plantains or a simple salad.

Drink pairings

Stamp and Go pair well with a variety of drinks, including beer, rum, or fruit juice.