Taro Cake


Taro Cake

Taro cake is a savory dish that is made by steaming a mixture of taro root, rice flour, and various seasonings. The mixture is then sliced and pan-fried until crispy. Taro cake is a popular dish during Chinese New Year and is often served as a dim sum item.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Taro cake is believed to have originated in Guangdong province in China and has been a popular dish for centuries. It is often served during Chinese New Year as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Dietary considerations

Taro cake is a vegetarian dish, but some recipes may contain meat or seafood. It is important to check the ingredients before consuming the dish.


There are many variations of taro cake, with different seasonings and ingredients being used depending on the region. Some recipes may include dried shrimp or Chinese sausage.

Presentation and garnishing

Taro cake is typically served in small slices, with the crispy exterior and soft interior creating a contrast in texture.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect taro cake, it is important to steam the mixture until it is fully cooked before pan-frying it to create a crispy exterior.


Taro cake is often served with a side of soy sauce or chili sauce.

Drink pairings

Taro cake pairs well with a cup of hot tea or a cold beer.