



Žufenjaki is made by mixing flour, eggs, and cheese together to form a dough. The dough is then rolled out and cut into small pieces, which are boiled in salted water. The cooked Žufenjaki are then served with a sauce made from tomatoes, garlic, and olive oil.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Žufenjaki originated in Croatia and has been a popular dish for generations. It is often served as a main course or as a side dish.

Dietary considerations



Variations of this dish can include different types of cheese, such as feta or Parmesan, and different types of sauces, such as a creamy cheese sauce or a spicy tomato sauce.

Presentation and garnishing

Žufenjaki can be garnished with fresh herbs, such as parsley or basil, and served with a side of garlic bread or a fresh salad.

Tips & Tricks

To make this dish even more flavorful, try adding some chopped herbs, such as thyme or oregano, to the tomato sauce.


Tomato sauce, garlic bread

Drink pairings

Red wine