Cheese, iberico


Cheese, iberico

The Quintessential Delight: Exploring the Richness of Iberico Cheese

Iberico cheese is a semi-hard cheese made from the milk of the Iberian breed of sheep, goats, or a combination of both. It has a smooth and creamy texture with small irregular holes and a natural rind. The cheese ranges in color from ivory to pale yellow, and as it ages, it develops a more intense flavor and a crumbly texture. Its taste is characterized by a nutty sweetness with hints of caramel and a slightly tangy finish.

Jan Dec
Iberico cheese boasts a rich and nutty flavor with a subtle sweetness and a touch of tanginess.

Origins and history

Iberico cheese originates from the Iberian Peninsula in Spain, where it has been produced for centuries. The cheese-making tradition in this region dates back to the Roman era, and it has since become an integral part of Spanish gastronomy. The unique flavor and quality of Iberico cheese are attributed to the rich pastures where the sheep and goats graze, as well as the traditional production methods passed down through generations.

Nutritional information

Iberico cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, providing essential nutrients for bone health and muscle development. It is also rich in vitamins A and B12. A 1-ounce (28g) serving of Iberico cheese contains approximately 110 calories.


Iberico cheese may contain lactose and is not suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies.

How to select

When selecting Iberico cheese, look for a cheese that is firm but slightly yielding to the touch. It should have a pleasant aroma and a smooth, unblemished rind. Opt for cheeses that have been aged for a longer period if you prefer a more intense flavor.

Storage recommendations

To maintain the freshness and quality of Iberico cheese, store it in the refrigerator in its original packaging or wrap it tightly in wax paper or plastic wrap. It is important to keep it away from strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor absorption. Consume within 1-2 weeks of opening.

How to produce

Iberico cheese production requires specialized knowledge and equipment. It is best left to professional cheesemakers who follow traditional methods and use the milk of Iberian sheep or goats.

Preparation tips

Iberico cheese is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed on its own, paired with fruits and nuts, or incorporated into various dishes. It melts beautifully, making it ideal for grilled cheese sandwiches, pasta dishes, or as a topping for pizzas. For a delightful Spanish-inspired appetizer, serve it with quince paste and crusty bread.


Manchego cheese can be used as a substitute for Iberico cheese, although it has a slightly different flavor profile and texture.

Culinary uses

Iberico cheese is commonly used in Spanish cuisine, adding depth and richness to dishes such as tapas, salads, and traditional Spanish omelets. It is also a delightful addition to cheese boards and charcuterie platters.


Iberico cheese is primarily available in Spain, particularly in regions such as Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha. It can also be found in specialty cheese shops and gourmet markets worldwide.