European Potato Pancakes


European Potato Pancakes

Savory Delights: European Potato Pancakes with a Twist

Indulge in the flavors of European cuisine with these delectable potato pancakes. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, these savory delights are a perfect addition to any meal.

Jan Dec

20 minutes

20 minutes

40 minutes

4 servings


Vegetarian, Vegan (if using a plant-based oil), Gluten-free (if using gluten-free flour)

Wheat (if using all-purpose flour)

Paleo, Keto


While the original Swedish Raggmunk is traditionally made with only potatoes and onions, this European adaptation incorporates additional ingredients and flavors to enhance the dish. The European Potato Pancakes recipe includes a touch of flour to bind the ingredients together and create a lighter texture. This adaptation also allows for variations in seasoning and spices, allowing you to customize the flavors to your preference. We alse have the original recipe for Raggmunk, so you can check it out.


  • Calories (kcal / KJ): 220 kcal / 920 KJ
  • Fat (total, saturated): 8g, 1g
  • Carbohydrates (total, sugars): 34g, 2g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Salt: 1g


  1. 1.
    Place the grated potatoes in a clean kitchen towel and squeeze out any excess moisture.
  2. 2.
    In a large bowl, combine the grated potatoes, grated onion, flour, salt, and black pepper. Mix well until all the ingredients are evenly incorporated.
  3. 3.
    Heat the vegetable oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat.
  4. 4.
    Take a small handful of the potato mixture and shape it into a pancake, about 1/4 inch thick. Repeat with the remaining mixture.
  5. 5.
    Carefully place the potato pancakes in the skillet and cook for about 4-5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy.
  6. 6.
    Remove the pancakes from the skillet and drain on a paper towel to remove any excess oil.
  7. 7.
    Serve the European Potato Pancakes hot with your choice of toppings or as a side dish to complement your meal.

Treat your ingredients with care...

  • Potatoes — Make sure to squeeze out as much moisture as possible from the grated potatoes to achieve a crispy texture.
  • Onion — Grate the onion finely to evenly distribute its flavor throughout the pancakes.

Tips & Tricks

  • For extra flavor, add chopped fresh herbs such as parsley or chives to the potato mixture.
  • Experiment with different spices like paprika or garlic powder to customize the taste.
  • Serve the European Potato Pancakes with sour cream, applesauce, or a dollop of Greek yogurt for a delightful twist.

Serving advice

Serve the European Potato Pancakes as a main course accompanied by a fresh green salad or as a side dish alongside roasted meats or grilled vegetables.

Presentation advice

Arrange the European Potato Pancakes on a platter, garnish with a sprinkle of fresh herbs, and serve with a side of sour cream or applesauce for dipping.