Blecs al Tazzelenghe


Blecs al Tazzelenghe

Blecs al Tazzelenghe is made with blecs pasta, which is a type of homemade pasta that is similar to tagliatelle. The pasta is cooked until al dente, then mixed with a simple sauce made from butter, sage, and Tazzelenghe cheese. The dish is then finished with a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Blecs al Tazzelenghe is a traditional dish from the Friuli region of Italy, which is located in the northeast part of the country. It is a popular pasta dish throughout the region and is often served at special occasions and celebrations.

Dietary considerations

Blecs al Tazzelenghe is not suitable for those with lactose intolerance or those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. It is also high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of Blecs al Tazzelenghe, some of which include the addition of bacon or ham. Some recipes also call for the use of different types of cheese, such as Asiago or Montasio.

Presentation and garnishing

Blecs al Tazzelenghe is traditionally served in a large bowl, with the pasta and sauce mixed together. It can be garnished with fresh herbs, such as parsley or thyme.

Tips & Tricks

To make Blecs al Tazzelenghe even more indulgent, try adding some crispy bacon or pancetta to the dish before serving.


Blecs al Tazzelenghe is typically served with a side salad or roasted vegetables. It can also be served with a crusty bread to soak up the flavorful sauce.

Drink pairings

Blecs al Tazzelenghe pairs well with a full-bodied red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot.