


Chinguirito is made by marinating fish in lime juice and chili peppers, then mixing it with finely chopped onions and cilantro. The mixture is then served cold, typically with corn or sweet potato.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Chinguirito is a traditional Peruvian dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is often served at family gatherings and other special occasions, and is a staple of Peruvian cuisine.

Dietary considerations

Chinguirito is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans, as it contains fish. It is also high in vitamin C due to the lime juice.


There are many variations of chinguirito, with different types of fish and proportions of ingredients. Some recipes use sea bass, while others use mackerel or tuna. Some versions also include other ingredients such as garlic or ginger.

Presentation and garnishing

Chinguirito is typically served on a platter, garnished with cilantro or other herbs. Some recipes also include sliced tomatoes or peppers for added color and flavor.

Tips & Tricks

To make chinguirito, be sure to use fresh fish and marinate it in lime juice for at least an hour. It is important to finely chop the onions and cilantro, and to chill the mixture before serving to allow the flavors to meld together. You can also experiment with different types of fish and chili peppers to create your own unique version of this classic dish.


Chinguirito is typically served with corn or sweet potato, and can also be enjoyed with a side salad.

Drink pairings

Chinguirito pairs well with white wine or beer.