Cuscuz nordestino


Cuscuz nordestino

Northeastern Couscous

Cuscuz nordestino is a dish that is typically made with couscous, onions, tomatoes, and a variety of meats such as chicken, beef, or pork. The ingredients are cooked together until the couscous is tender and the flavors have melded together. Cuscuz nordestino is a popular dish in Brazil and is often served as a main course.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Cuscuz nordestino has been a staple in Brazilian cuisine for centuries. It is believed to have originated in the northeastern part of Brazil and has since spread throughout the country.

Dietary considerations



There are many variations of Cuscuz nordestino, some of which include the addition of seafood such as shrimp or fish. Some recipes also call for the use of different types of vegetables such as bell peppers or zucchini.

Presentation and garnishing

Cuscuz nordestino can be presented in a variety of ways. It can be served in a casserole dish or on a platter. It can also be garnished with fresh herbs such as parsley or cilantro.

Tips & Tricks

To make Cuscuz nordestino even more flavorful, try adding some garlic or chili flakes to the dish. You can also experiment with different types of meat to find the one that you like best.


Cuscuz nordestino can be served with a variety of side dishes such as rice, potatoes, or bread. It is also often served with a salad or a vegetable dish.

Drink pairings

Cuscuz nordestino pairs well with a variety of drinks such as beer, wine, or a non-alcoholic beverage such as juice or soda.