Faschierte Laibchen


Faschierte Laibchen

Faschierte Laibchen are a popular comfort food in Austria, often served in homes and restaurants alike. The dish is made by mixing ground beef with onions, bread crumbs, and spices, forming the mixture into patties, and then frying them until they are golden brown. The patties are typically served with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam, which provides a sweet and tangy contrast to the savory meat. Faschierte Laibchen are a hearty and satisfying meal that is perfect for cold winter nights.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Faschierte Laibchen have been a staple of Austrian cuisine for centuries, and are often served at traditional Austrian restaurants and inns. The dish is believed to have originated in the 18th century, and has since become a beloved comfort food in Austria and beyond.

Dietary considerations

Faschierte Laibchen are not suitable for vegetarians or vegans, as they contain ground beef. They may also not be suitable for those with gluten allergies, as they typically contain bread crumbs.


There are many variations of Faschierte Laibchen, with some recipes calling for the addition of eggs, milk, or cheese to the meat mixture. Some recipes also call for the use of different spices, such as paprika or cumin, to add additional flavor to the patties.

Presentation and garnishing

Faschierte Laibchen are typically served on a plate, with the mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam arranged alongside the patties. A sprig of parsley or a slice of lemon can be used as a garnish to add color and flavor to the dish.

Tips & Tricks

When making Faschierte Laibchen, it is important to use high-quality ground beef and fresh ingredients. Adding a bit of grated cheese to the meat mixture can also help to keep the patties moist and flavorful.


Mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam are the traditional side dishes served with Faschierte Laibchen. Other popular side dishes include sauerkraut, roasted vegetables, or a simple green salad.

Drink pairings

Faschierte Laibchen pair well with a variety of drinks, including red wine, beer, or a refreshing glass of sparkling water.