Feijoada à portuguesa


Feijoada à portuguesa

Bean stew

Feijoada à portuguesa is made with white beans, pork shoulder, chorizo, bacon, onions, garlic, carrots, and tomatoes. The dish is typically served with rice and garnished with orange slices. Feijoada à portuguesa is a popular dish in Portugal and is often served at family gatherings and celebrations. The dish is also popular in Brazil, where it is often served with farofa (toasted manioc flour) and orange slices.

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Origins and history

Feijoada à portuguesa originated in Portugal and is believed to have been brought to Brazil by Portuguese colonizers. The dish has been a staple of Portuguese and Brazilian cuisine for centuries.

Dietary considerations

Feijoada à portuguesa is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans due to the use of pork products. It is also high in fat and calories, so it should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of feijoada, including feijoada completa (which includes a wider variety of meats), feijoada de marisco (which includes seafood), and feijoada vegetariana (which uses plant-based proteins instead of meat).

Presentation and garnishing

Feijoada à portuguesa is traditionally served in a large clay pot, with the orange slices arranged on top of the stew. The dish can also be garnished with parsley or cilantro.

Tips & Tricks

To reduce the fat content of feijoada à portuguesa, use leaner cuts of pork and reduce the amount of chorizo and bacon used in the recipe.


Feijoada à portuguesa is typically served with rice, orange slices, and a side of collard greens.

Drink pairings

Feijoada à portuguesa pairs well with red wine, such as a Portuguese Douro or a Brazilian Malbec.