Frittedda Siciliana


Frittedda Siciliana

Sicilian Vegetable Stew

Frittedda Siciliana is made by sautéing onions and garlic in olive oil and then adding artichokes, peas, and fava beans. The vegetables are cooked with white wine and vegetable broth and seasoned with mint, parsley, and lemon zest. The stew is typically served with crusty bread or pasta. The combination of tender vegetables, tangy lemon, and fresh herbs makes for a delicious and satisfying meal.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Frittedda Siciliana has been a popular dish in Sicily for centuries. It is often served during the spring months when artichokes and fava beans are in season.

Dietary considerations

This dish is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is also gluten-free and dairy-free.


There are many variations of frittedda siciliana, with some recipes calling for the addition of potatoes, carrots, or even tomatoes. Some versions also use asparagus or green beans instead of peas.

Presentation and garnishing

Frittedda siciliana is typically served in a shallow bowl or plate. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint or parsley for added flavor and color.

Tips & Tricks

To save time, use frozen artichokes, peas, and fava beans instead of fresh.


Crusty bread or pasta are the traditional side dishes for frittedda siciliana. Other options include rice, quinoa, or a simple green salad.

Drink pairings

A crisp white wine, such as a Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc, pairs well with frittedda siciliana. Beer lovers may enjoy a light lager or pilsner.