Füszerezett vöröskáposzta


Füszerezett vöröskáposzta

Spiced Red Cabbage

Füszerezett vöröskáposzta is made by sautéing red cabbage with onions and apples, and then simmering it in red wine and spices. The dish is typically seasoned with cinnamon, cloves, and bay leaves, and is sweetened with sugar or honey. Füszerezett vöröskáposzta is a versatile dish that can be served hot or cold, and is a great accompaniment to roasted meats or sausages.

Origins and history

Füszerezett vöröskáposzta is a traditional Hungarian dish that has been enjoyed for generations. It is often served during the holiday season, and is a staple of Hungarian cuisine.

Dietary considerations

This dish is vegan and gluten-free.


There are many variations of Füszerezett vöröskáposzta, with some recipes calling for the addition of bacon or sausage. Some recipes also call for the use of different spices, depending on personal preference.

Presentation and garnishing

Füszerezett vöröskáposzta should be served in a deep bowl, with a sprinkle of fresh parsley or chives on top. The dish can also be garnished with sliced apples or pomegranate seeds.

Tips & Tricks

When sautéing the red cabbage, be sure to cook it until it is tender but still has a bit of crunch. Overcooking the cabbage can result in a mushy texture.


Roasted meats or sausages are the perfect side dishes to serve with Füszerezett vöröskáposzta. The dish can also be served as a main course, with the addition of beans or lentils.

Drink pairings

A full-bodied red wine, such as a Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot, pairs well with Füszerezett vöröskáposzta. A dark beer, such as a Porter or Stout, is also a good choice.