


Garantita is a popular street food in Algeria and is often served with harissa or other spicy sauces. The chickpea flour pancake is made by mixing chickpea flour with water and spices to form a batter. The batter is then poured into a hot skillet and fried until crispy on both sides. Garantita is a delicious and filling snack that can be enjoyed any time of day.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Garantita has been a popular street food in Algeria for centuries and is often considered a traditional dish.

Dietary considerations

Garantita is naturally gluten-free and vegan, making it a great option for those with dietary restrictions.


Variations of garantita can include different spices or toppings such as olives or feta cheese.

Presentation and garnishing

Garantita can be presented on a plate with the pancake cut into wedges. A side of harissa or other spicy sauce can be added for extra flavor and visual appeal.

Tips & Tricks

To make the pancake extra crispy, use a cast iron skillet and heat it up before adding the batter. Allow the pancake to cook undisturbed for several minutes before flipping it over to cook the other side.


Garantita is typically served on its own as a snack or appetizer.

Drink pairings

Garantita pairs well with a variety of drinks including mint tea, lemonade, and soda.