Iločki ćevap


Iločki ćevap

Ilok cevap

Iločki ćevap is made by mixing ground beef and pork with garlic, paprika, and other seasonings, and then shaping the mixture into small sausages. The sausages are then grilled until they are browned and crispy on the outside, but still juicy and tender on the inside. The dish is typically served with flatbread and onions, and can be topped with a variety of sauces and condiments.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Iločki ćevap has its roots in the Balkans, but it has become a beloved Croatian dish over the years. It is often served at festivals and special occasions, and is a staple of Croatian street food.

Dietary considerations

Iločki ćevap is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans due to its meat content. It is also high in fat and calories, so it should be consumed in moderation.


There are many variations of ćevap, with different regions and families having their own unique recipes. Some variations include using lamb or veal instead of beef and pork, or adding different spices and seasonings to the meat mixture. Some recipes also call for the addition of cheese or other ingredients to the dish.

Presentation and garnishing

Iločki ćevap is often served on a platter with the flatbread and onions arranged around it. It can be garnished with parsley or other herbs to add a pop of color and flavor to the dish.

Tips & Tricks

To make the perfect ćevap, be sure to use high-quality meat and take care not to overcook it. The sausages should be browned and crispy on the outside, but still juicy and tender on the inside. You can also experiment with different spices and seasonings to create your own unique version of this classic dish.


Iločki ćevap is typically served with flatbread and onions, and can be topped with a variety of sauces and condiments, such as ajvar (a roasted red pepper spread), kajmak (a type of clotted cream), or sour cream.

Drink pairings

Iločki ćevap pairs well with a variety of drinks, including beer, wine, or rakija (a type of fruit brandy). The bold flavors of the dish are complemented by the crisp, refreshing flavors of these beverages.