


Cold Skin Noodles

Liangpi is a dish that is typically served cold, making it a refreshing option for hot summer days. The noodles used in the dish are made from wheat or rice flour, and are often cut into thin strips. The sauce used in the dish is made with chili oil, vinegar, soy sauce, and other spices, giving it a spicy and tangy flavor. The vegetables used in the dish can vary, but often include cucumber, bean sprouts, and carrots. Liangpi is a flavorful and healthy dish that is perfect for a light lunch or dinner.

Jan Dec

Origins and history

Liangpi is a traditional dish from the Shaanxi province in China. It is said to have originated from a street vendor who would sell the dish from a cart. Today, it is a popular dish throughout China and is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Dietary considerations

Liangpi can be made gluten-free by using gluten-free noodles and ensuring that the sauce is made without any gluten-containing ingredients. It is also a good source of vegetables and can be made vegan by omitting any meat or animal products.


There are many variations of liangpi, with different vegetables and sauces used depending on the region. Some versions also include meat or seafood. Vegetarian versions can be made by omitting any meat or animal products.

Presentation and garnishing

Liangpi is typically served in a bowl with the noodles and vegetables arranged on top of each other. The sauce is then poured over the top of the dish. It can be garnished with fresh herbs such as cilantro or basil, as well as sliced chili peppers for a spicy kick.

Tips & Tricks

To ensure that the noodles do not become too soft, it is important to cook them separately and rinse them with cold water before adding them to the dish. It is also important to slice the vegetables thinly so that they are easy to eat.


Liangpi is often served with a side of pickled vegetables or a spicy dipping sauce. It can also be served with a side of steamed rice.

Drink pairings

Liangpi pairs well with light and refreshing drinks such as green tea or a light beer. It is also delicious with a glass of white wine.